In 1977, my best friend Brian and I saw Star Wars at the movies and our young teenage lives were rocked. That summer, we saw this movie over and over and over again. Started memorizing the lines. Then one night, we took his dad’s cassette tape recorder and created our own audio parody, Space Wars. We cracked our prepubescent-selves up.
In 1980, I transferred that goofy story to comic book form: SPACE WARS. And in 1983, I re-recorded a new audio version, using the comic book as a script and my brother and myself as a cast. I inserted fabulous sound effects and musical sound track. My brother provided the prepubescent vocal talents this time around.
In retrospect, it wasn’t that great. But it was my loving homage to the summer of ’77 and that hilarious recording Brian and I made late one night.
NOTE: There’s use of language that is insensitive and not reflective of my behavior or attitudes today. No excuse for my poor past behavior and choice of words except to say I was young and inexperienced as to the power of words. I now regret having used these terms so casually and as the butt of jokes. My sincere apologies. I had forgotten their inclusion in these recordings and was taken aback as if slapped in the face to hear my younger voice uttering the words without any thought to how they might offend others. These recordings stand as a true if crude reflection of their time.